Industries / Healthcare & Biotech

Smart solutions for healthcare facilities improve security and operations

Hospitals have unique challenges for security because of the need to be open 24/7/365.

The recent implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has added new challenges to healthcare industry that go beyond intrusion security for a medical facility’s many entrances, multiple treatment areas and numerous hallways. Tighter budgets are a consequence of the implementation of the ACA. Hospital facility managers are now tasked with improving operational efficiencies to lower overhead costs.

PSLA systems can be integrated so that intrusion, access control and video surveillance can be used in conjunction for multiple purposes. Expensive and hard to replace equipment can be tracked throughout a facility with GPS devices. Access control systems can better applied to better manage access to storage areas and supplies. PSLA security solutions are in compliance with regulatory requirements and are engineered to utilize the most from the existing IT infrastructure. These integrated systems are cost effective and scalable for medical facilities of all types and sizes. PSLA has solutions to improve security and lower operational costs by improving everyday efficiencies.

Security solutions with flexibility and diverse capabilities for:

  • Hospitals

  • Nursing Homes

  • Ambulatory Surgical Centers

  • Outpatient Diagnostic Centers

  • Prescribed Child Care Centers

  • Residential Homes for the Aged

  • Comprehensive Outpatient

  • Rehabilitation Facilities

  • Physical Therapists Facilities

  • Rehabilitation Centers

  • Assisted-Care Living Facilities

  • Rural Health Clinics